Alicia Lawhon

I’d like to introduce you to Alicia Lawhon from RECLAIMED IN LA. She is a good friend of mine and one of my favorite local designers whose unique clothing I’ve been wearing for a quite a while now. Because I love her style, I’ve asked her if we could get a peek into her home and find out more about what she does and what influences her designs.

D*BP: Tell us about what you do and how long you’ve been doing it?

A.L.: I execute wardrobes in every way. I envision them, create them, and produce them. I work with commercial and personal wardrobe needs. I deal with desires. I produce desires. RECLAIMED IN LA is a collection of wardrobe stories solely utilizing existing and found materials. The concept was born out of a love for vintage, re-purpose and discover beauty in old items made new. I practiced this concept when I was a child in Mexico and then again 20 years ago for a collection for Ron Herman called ‘A.L’ and now.

D*BP: How long have you worked from your it at home? What part of town is it in?

A.L.: 10 years. I have a home studio in Silver Lake on top of a hill.

D*BP: Describe your style?

A.L.: Earthy elegance well traveled with a sense of humour.

D*BP: What inspires you?

A.L.: Right now it rebellion, necessity, nature, integrity, tact, desire, music, food, Made in the USA, the past and talent: Zoe Crosher, Bari Ziperstein, Simon Story, Dee Dee Cheriel, Charles Krubian, Roger Herman, Nick Lowe, Sage Vaughn, Tracy Wilkinson, Jessica Kerwin-Jinkins, and David Huffman

D*BP: What do you love most about your space?

A.L.: It is an anti-depressant. I don’t get visual anxiety. Its a positive reflection. A meditation and mood altering.

Thanks Alicia!

Watch RECLAIMED IN LA for CHURCH boutique