Round Up…

axel vervoordt swimming pool – photo christian sarramon

Robert Murray SUSQUEHANNA, 1979

tom dixon rug for rug co.
Console in the Manner of Karl Springer @ Galerie Sommerlath

tilda swinton by tim walker for w mag

celine cuffs

emerald green.


Earlier this year we stayed at Caitlin’s Agave House in Ojai. While there, I had a chance to use Persephenie’s Nanu Lei Fizzy Mineral Bath Powder and was intrigued not only by the gorgeous scent, but also by its Old World black & white packaging. Her Body Care products use wild-crafted, organic and certified organic essential oils and absolutes, distilled directly from flowers and plants such as neroli blossom, jasmine, camellia, linden blossom and more.

I got a chance to meet with Persephenie at her studio here in Los Angeles where she handcrafts her scents and found out about the other things that keep her busy including her fabulous line of jewelry.

D*BP: Tell us about what you do?

P: I’m a perfumer specializing in botanticals and custom perfume. I’m also an Aromatherapist. I formulate body care, make jewelry, and during those rare free periods, I love to paint. I think of myself as a closet painter who earns a living in the world of aromatics.

I’m also mama to a beautiful nine year old and house full of animals.

D*BP: Where is your studio and how long have you had it?

P: My studio is on Edinburgh Avenue, a side street off West Third, one block West of The Grove.
I’ve been in my space for seven years this summer. My original intention for the studio was to make art and teach art to children. With love and enthusiasm for botanicals and scent, it quickly evolved into an aromatics studio..

I teach botanical perfumery privately and to groups. This year I took a step back from open classes to focus on my body care, perfumes, and jewelry.

D*BP: I really LOVE your jewelry. What kind of materials do you use?

Thank you! Recycled 14 and 18 kt gold, sterling, leather, fossilized tusk, feathers, macrame’, semi-precious and precious gems, rose beads that I hand roll, and anything that is beautiful to incorporate.

D*BP: What inspires you?

P: Almost everything, especially my son.

D*BP: What’s your philosophy?

P: Taking care of myself by loving the people and creatures close to my heart, working hard, surrounding myself with beauty, and having fun.

Thanks Persephenie!

Vivienne Westwood – Do it Yourself!

Do it Yourself, a documentary by Letmiya Sztalryd and Jean-Marie Sztalryd, previewed at Colette.
Finally a portrait of the English queen of fashion that reveals a woman of multiple talents: artist, intellectual, and subversive provocateur of the punk movement in the 70s.

“DIY! Don’t buy my clothes. Well, if you are rich or can afford a stylist, you can get me. But if not, do it yourself. My idea is that you can mix charity, vintage, Portobello Road, pieces of Ikat fabric; wrap it all around yourself, use a handkerchief as knickers, mix safety pins and jewelery. But above all do something! Be optimistic!”

“In these hard times — dress up. There is status in wearing your favorites over and over until they grow old (patina) or fall apart.”~Vivienne Westwood

Michele Lamy

Spotted a fantastic image of Michele Lamy’s hand (top) from Some/Things and had to add other images I’ve seen.



LA misses you Michele.

~click image for additional sources

Raif Adelberg

Artist/Designer Raif Adelberg is in the house this week. Or maybe I should say we’re in Raif’s house. I discovered his art from Obsolete and used it in one of my posts a while back. Then over the holidays I saw some of his more recent pieces at American Rag. When he sent me an image of “FUCK I LOVE YOU” in an email last week, I had to find out more about him. I’m pretty happy to share with you what he had to say:

D*BP: Tell us about what you do?
RA: take a thought / different ideas and visions and create them into tangible objects we can see feel taste smell or hear

D*BP: Where do you live and what do you love most about your home?
RA: Bowen Island British Columbia Canada > My Family

D*BP: What is your favorite piece of furniture, art or possession?
RA: i have nice things that i appreciate but i am not attached to them or consider them a possession but they are more of an accessory

D*BP: What designers or artists do you admire most? What inspires you?
RA: i admire all artist and designers i think it takes a lot for people to put them selves out there to be judged
i find inspiration from all sorts of sources

D*BP: What’s the perfect day when you are “chilling”? (yeah, I really spelled it like that)
RA: just that “CHILL’N”

D*BP: What are you listening to?
RA: Classical Luigi Boccherini 1743 – 1805

D*BP: What is your philosophy?
RA: we can do ANYTHING we want _ so why not make smart choices not reactive choices to appreciate what we have at this moment and not chase what we dont have. to realize the home we live in the car we drive the size of our bank accounts dont make us who we are your identity is not built on possessions but rather on the person the time we are given in life that is the most valuable and how we use that time productively dont waste it to be aware of the choices we make and how they affect the life we live weather good or bad be prepared for the repercussions that come with those choices to try and understand one another and not judge people. when we get frustrated and angry that we are allowing ourselves to give all our power to what ever it maybe that is causing us to react instead of accepting and acknowledging that there is something not right and fixing it . Dont live your life based on fear or ignorance learn to be patient .
Be you Be happy your significance and your purpose for you being here is just to BE YOU dont be something you think people want you to be or try and be someone your not because your afraid you dont fit in _ who gives a fuck just be real we have no one to impress _
the legacy we leave is our contribution to this life children _ friends _lovers _ inspiration these our some of our legacies _
Life is Beautiful _ we wake up each morning with a new sheet of paper and we can do anything we want with that piece of paper you can write on it you can fold it you can crumple it up in a ball or doodle all over it there is an unlimited amount of things you can do with that piece of paper dont be afraid to keep trying something new . if you close your eyes and you can see it you can create it _ you cant create something you cant see _ we are POWERFUL and you CAN DO ANYTHING you want.

Thank you Raif.